Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It is offically 2009 in Colorado

So, I heard this awesome idea about New Year's on the radio the other day. So, we all know by now that resolutions don't really work. We try, and for a couple of weeks, we succeed. Well, in New York this week, a big group of people got together and "shredded" 2007. They brought everything from bills that they paid off and were done with, to ex's photos, to socks that they couldn't find the mate for. What an awesome idea. Why not think of the new year as a time to start over and get rid of all the "mistakes" we made in the last year.

Tomorrow I am off and I plan to "get rid" of all the mistakes I made in 2007. I'm not going to vow to lose weight and go to the gym daily, or quit smoking, or drink less. I am going to vow to not make the same mistakes I did in "07

Happy 2009...lets get out there and make it better.

Lots of love,